Source code for tint.attr.models.joint_features_generator

import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn

from typing import Union

from tint.models import Net

[docs]class JointFeatureGenerator(nn.Module): """ Conditional generator model to predict future observations. Args: rnn_hidden_size (int): Size of hidden units for the recurrent structure. Default to 100 dist_hidden_size (int): Size of the distribution hidden units. Default to 10 latent_size: Size of the latent distribution. Default to 100 References: `A Recurrent Latent Variable Model for Sequential Data <>`_ """ def __init__( self, rnn_hidden_size: int = 100, dist_hidden_size: int = 10, latent_size: int = 100, ): super(JointFeatureGenerator, self).__init__() self.rnn_hidden_size = rnn_hidden_size self.dist_hidden_size = dist_hidden_size self.latent_size = latent_size self.register_module("rnn", None) self.register_module("dist_predictor", None) self.register_module("cov_generator", None) self.register_module("mean_generator", None) self.feature_size = None def init(self, feature_size): # Generates the parameters of the distribution self.rnn = nn.GRU(feature_size, self.rnn_hidden_size, batch_first=True) for layer_p in self.rnn._all_weights: for p in layer_p: if "weight" in p: nn.init.normal_(self.rnn.__getattr__(p), 0.0, 0.02) self.dist_predictor = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.rnn_hidden_size, self.dist_hidden_size), nn.Tanh(), nn.BatchNorm1d(num_features=self.dist_hidden_size), nn.Linear(self.dist_hidden_size, self.latent_size * 2), nn.Tanh(), ) self.cov_generator = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.latent_size, self.dist_hidden_size), nn.Tanh(), nn.BatchNorm1d(num_features=self.dist_hidden_size), nn.Linear(self.dist_hidden_size, feature_size**2), nn.ReLU(), ) self.mean_generator = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.latent_size, self.dist_hidden_size), nn.Tanh(), nn.BatchNorm1d(num_features=self.dist_hidden_size), nn.Linear(self.dist_hidden_size, feature_size), ) self.feature_size = feature_size def likelihood_distribution(self, past: th.Tensor): all_encoding, encoding = self.rnn(past) h = encoding.view(encoding.size(1), -1) # Find the distribution of the latent variable Z mu_std = self.dist_predictor(h) mu = mu_std[:, : mu_std.shape[1] // 2] std = mu_std[:, mu_std.shape[1] // 2 :] # sample Z from the distribution z = mu + std * th.randn_like(mu) # Generate the distribution P(X|H,Z) mean = self.mean_generator(z) cov_noise = ( th.eye(self.feature_size).unsqueeze(0).repeat(len(z), 1, 1) * 1e-5 ).to(z.device) a = self.cov_generator(z).view( -1, self.feature_size, self.feature_size ) covariance = th.bmm(a, th.transpose(a, 1, 2)) + cov_noise return mean, covariance
[docs] def forward(self, past: th.Tensor): mean, covariance = self.likelihood_distribution(past) likelihood = th.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=mean, covariance_matrix=covariance, ) return likelihood.rsample()
def forward_conditional( self, past: th.Tensor, current: th.Tensor, sig_inds: list, ): if current.shape[-1] == len(sig_inds): return current, current if len(current.shape) == 1: current = current.unsqueeze(0) # Compute mean and covariance of X_t given the past mean, covariance = self.likelihood_distribution(past) # P(X_t|X_0:t-1) # Get explored and ignored features indices sig_inds_comp = list(set(range(past.shape[-1])) - set(sig_inds)) ind_len = len(sig_inds) ind_len_not = len(sig_inds_comp) x_ind = current[:, sig_inds].view(-1, ind_len) mean_1 = mean[:, sig_inds_comp].view(-1, ind_len_not) cov_1_2 = covariance[:, sig_inds_comp, :][:, :, sig_inds].view( -1, ind_len_not, ind_len ) cov_2_2 = covariance[:, sig_inds, :][:, :, sig_inds].view( -1, ind_len, ind_len ) cov_1_1 = covariance[:, sig_inds_comp, :][:, :, sig_inds_comp].view( -1, ind_len_not, ind_len_not ) mean_cond = mean_1 + th.bmm( (th.bmm(cov_1_2, th.inverse(cov_2_2))), (x_ind - mean[:, sig_inds]).view(-1, ind_len, 1), ).squeeze(-1) covariance_cond = cov_1_1 - th.bmm( th.bmm(cov_1_2, th.inverse(cov_2_2)), th.transpose(cov_1_2, 2, 1) ) # P(x_{-i,t}|x_{i,t}) likelihood = th.distributions.multivariate_normal.MultivariateNormal( loc=mean_cond.squeeze(-1), covariance_matrix=covariance_cond ) sample = likelihood.rsample() full_sample = current.clone() full_sample[:, sig_inds_comp] = sample return full_sample, mean[:, sig_inds_comp]
[docs]class JointFeatureGeneratorNet(Net): """ Conditional generator model to predict future observations as a Pytorch Lightning module. Args: rnn_hidden_size (int): Size of hidden units for the recurrent structure. Default to 100 dist_hidden_size (int): Size of the distribution hidden units. Default to 10 latent_size: Size of the latent distribution. Default to 100 optim (str): Which optimizer to use. Default to ``'adam'`` lr (float): Learning rate. Default to 1e-3 lr_scheduler (dict, str): Learning rate scheduler. Either a dict (custom scheduler) or a string. Default to ``None`` lr_scheduler_args (dict): Additional args for the scheduler. Default to ``None`` l2 (float): L2 regularisation. Default to 0.0 References: `A Recurrent Latent Variable Model for Sequential Data <>`_ Examples: >>> from tint.attr.models import JointFeatureGeneratorNet <BLANKLINE> >>> generator = JointFeatureGeneratorNet(rnn_hidden_size=6) """ def __init__( self, rnn_hidden_size: int = 100, dist_hidden_size: int = 10, latent_size: int = 100, optim: str = "adam", lr: float = 0.001, lr_scheduler: Union[dict, str] = None, lr_scheduler_args: dict = None, l2: float = 0.0, ): generator = JointFeatureGenerator( rnn_hidden_size=rnn_hidden_size, dist_hidden_size=dist_hidden_size, latent_size=latent_size, ) super().__init__( layers=generator, loss=None, optim=optim, lr=lr, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler, lr_scheduler_args=lr_scheduler_args, l2=l2, ) def step(self, batch, batch_idx, stage, t): # noqa x = batch[0] mean, covariance =[:, :t, ...]) dist = th.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=mean, covariance_matrix=covariance, ) loss = -dist.log_prob(x[:, t, ...]).mean() return loss
[docs] def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): t = th.randint(low=4, high=batch[0].shape[1], size=(1,)).item() loss = self.step(batch=batch, batch_idx=batch_idx, stage="train", t=t) self.log("train_loss", loss) return loss
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): t = th.randint(low=4, high=batch[0].shape[1], size=(1,)).item() loss = self.step(batch=batch, batch_idx=batch_idx, stage="val", t=t) self.log("val_loss", loss)
[docs] def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): t = batch[0].shape[1] - 1 loss = self.step(batch=batch, batch_idx=batch_idx, stage="test", t=t) self.log("test_loss", loss)